A comprehensive mold inspection involves collecting and analyzing samples from various locations in your home to determine the type(s) and quantity of mold present. The samples are then sent to a testing facility, and a report is generated detailing the findings. Superior Property Inspections can review the report and provide the homeowner with recommendations on how to address any mold-related issues.

When faced with a mold problem, taking prompt and appropriate action is crucial to minimize damage and protect your family’s health. Mold can spread rapidly and extensively throughout your home in as little as 72 hours. At Superior Property Inspections, our experts can guide you through the cleanup and restoration process, ensuring that it is done safely and efficiently.

Mold Inspection

What Is Mold?

Moisture is a key factor for the growth of mold, which is a type of fungus that occurs naturally both indoors and outdoors. If you detect a strong musty odor, it is a sign that action needs to be taken promptly. While it is impossible to eradicate mold completely from your home, it can be managed.

Mold can enter your home through various sources such as open windows, doors, and HVAC systems. Once inside, mold spores can rapidly develop into a severe problem if they are exposed to moisture. This can compromise the air quality and pose health risks. Before any remediation can commence, it is crucial to identify the root cause of the mold growth; otherwise, it may recur quickly.

Do Not

  • Touch or disturb mold
  • Spray bleach on the mold
  • Blow air across any surface with visible mold growth
  • Paint over it
  • Attempt to dry the area yourself